Assalamualaikum wbt..Hello all readers especially my juniors. Alhamdulillah akak da hbs year 3 dah.. Time flies...Syukur sgt2..Akak da byk bnd nak share dgn korang spjg  3 thn akak jdi student nurse kat UNIMAS.Lets dig it out okeyh! J


Assalamualaikum wbt juniors J Hai adik2..WELCOME TO UNIMAS and WELCOME TO FPSK (Fakulti Perubatan  & Sains Kesihatan)..Adik2, tahniah krn di beri peluang untuk meneruskn perjuangan menuntut ilmu di bumi Allah terutama UNIMAS..hehehe..Gain your knowledge as much as u can k J

Hmm..let me give u a tips how to survive  in study and life in this faculty. Read this carefully ok J Before I proceed with a tips,let me share my experienced. Actually, 1st time akak masok cnie, akak x minat nursing pun..Akak actually nak amik medic..tapi,bkn rezeki kn..huhuhu.xnak crta lebih2..sedih bila mengenangkan semua itu..huhu

Mang agak difficult la when I need to survive course yg kta x minat langsung. Mang bnd nie effect result first sem akak..mang terok hbs..nie la akibat kita paksa diri buat bnd yg kita x minat..Tapi, dengan bantuan lecturer, CI, member2 and usaha akak sendiri, akhirnya akak dpt tanamkan perasaan cintakan nursing. At last, akak mampu smpai final year (InsyaAllah next sem bulan September) and I LOVE NURSING now with all my heart. Untuk adik2 yang x minat NURSING tu, sbr ea..Semua nie amik mse..yg penting korang kena THINK POSITIVE..itu yg akak wat selalu. Ada hikmah Allah tak bg korang amik medic.So,truskan je la perjuangan anda..jgn mengalah. Lambat laun nanti,korang akan nmpk hikmah yang Allah bagi..Trust HIM. Dia lebih mengetahui segalanya..J

Back to main topic. How to survive kn..hehehe..mcm ssh je nak harungi hdup kat FPSK..xdela ssh pun.ssh ckit je..FYI, fakulti kita di gelar Lot 77.If org sebut blik Lot 77,blik fakulti or kolej la tu. 1st time korang jejak kaki kat cnie nanti,mang korang akan ckp, betul ke nie fakulti aku??Byk question mark kat kepala korang nanti.hehehe..Lot 77 nie kecik je..sgt kecik..Percaya ke x if akak ckp yg skolah rendah akak lebih besar dri fakulti kta nih?Akak berani kerat jari if korang nk bet..hehehhe..Lot 77 hny ade 2 bangunan je..satu kolej n satu lgi fakuti.And ade stu kafe je..huhu..Time akak 1st year dlu, ktorg duduk kolej campur laki pompuan..So far, xde problem pun duk cmpur ngan laki satu blok..hehehe..Di sinilah kelebihan lelaki kolej medic x kira muslim or nonmuslim..wpun tgal satu blok ngan pompuan,xde isu me..lelaki kolej kita memang boleh di percayai.Akak berbangga duk kolej nie..akak dlu tgal tingkat 3.laki tngkat 1..Hehehe..dekat kan?

Semenjak tahun lps,lelaki dah x tgal cmpur dgn pompuan. Lelaki tgal sebayor,pompuan duk kat Lot..  J Cuma ade satu rmh jer yg dekat Lot lelaki tgal..semuanya lelaki muslim. Rmh dorang dekat dgn surau.SO,senang la dorang nak azan nanti..Kat Lot hny ade satu café je.Mostly,ktorg pgil tu cafe bulat coz bentuk die bulat..Luar faculty ade la 2 café iaitu CT café and Ammah Curry House.Pandai2 ar korang hidup..akak slalunya masak sendriJ hehehe

Oleh kerana faculty kta nie kecik,so korang akan kenal semua.So,korang pndai2 ar rapat dengan senior..Senior x garang..muke je tunjuk garang n sombong.Padahal lau korang brani approach,dorang akn ramah n mesra dgn korang..hehe.Mostly semua senior muka lembut n suka senyum mcm akak nie..hahaha (Masok bakul angkat sndr)..Xdela..Pada yg dah kenal akak,dorang taw akak ramah n mesra dgn semua org.Time stress je muka akak serabut ok..If jmpe akak kat faculty/kolej nanti,tegur la ea..jgn takut dgn akak taw J

Untuk study plak, korang kene enjoy n minat apa yg korang blaja tu.After lecture je,blik dorm revise blik semua lecture notes tu..InsyaAllah korang berjaya..Fuuuhhh..gla skema ayat akak an..hehhee.. When u enter nursing course, bnd yg korang WAJIB ada sebagai seorang future nurse ialah STETHOSCOPE, JAM NURSE (gantung2..hehe), GUNTING NURSE,PEN TORCH & THERMOMETER. Bila korang da msok nt,ada senior jual bnd tu..No worries ok..Bnd nie korang akan gna sepanjang hidup korang sbg seorg nurse..J


Gunting nurse..semua sama k..xde colour2..huhuhu

Jam nurse..

Digital thermometer

Jam nurse colourful

Pen torch..

Furthermore, each of u nanti akan ada buddy.Senior second year akan pilih korang sbg buddy and ur buddy will guide and help u  sepanjang study korang kat FPSK. I will become ur senior buddy. Ciri2 nak jadi junior buddy akak, WAJIB org Kuching..bkn nya BIAS..Ini untuk memudahkan kmi..Senang nk jumpa and hang out sma2 smpai bla2 even time dah kerja..hehe..Jgn risau la..buddy semuanya baek2..If korang junior buddy akak nanti,pandai2 la approach akak k..jangan sombong n berat mulut k..FYI,korang1st year xde BIP. If second year bip kaler KUNING. 3rd year kaler BIRU and final year kaler MERAH..hehehe..Rsanya nie je kot..xtau nak bg tips ape kat freshie…Just enjoy ur study at here k my dear.. J

skema nak mampos time first posting nih..hehehe

my love till jannah

geng kuat :)


Hai juniors second year..hehhee..congratz coz da dpt jadi senior n boley buli freshie yg bru msok..oooppppsss..kantoi lak bg tips membuli..ngeee..buli2 and gurau mnje je la dgn freshie..biase la tu..kmi pun dlu kne gak..Congratz ea krn korang da lyk pakai bip kuning..hehehehe..Jangan lupa pilih buddy yg comel2 taw.. J

Actually second year is killer year for us..There’s so many subjects u must attend include core, elective and generic subjects..Kelas dri pg smpai ptg..Ptg tu smpai jam 7 ok..Time Maghrib tu..Penat weyh..Dahla kls non-stop dri pg..hamek kau..smpai maghrib..mang dehydrated hbs rasa weyh..I’ve experienced it before…

Core subjects that u must take during first semester are Professional Nursing, Health Assessment,Pathophysiology, Medical-Surgical Nursing 1,Microbiology,Pharmacology & Nutrition and Theoretical Perspective in Nursing. For elective subject plak korang boley pilih nak amik apa..Akak amik yg senang skor je dlu.. Healthy Lifestyle..Sgt senang nak skor A subjek nie.Dahla 3 jam credit..iT helps me a lot to improve my CGPA J For generic subject, u all must amik kelas BI (Academic Reading and Writing)..kene skor A jgak taw..Subjek nie mang byk  tlg up kan kta punye pointer..

During first semester, there’s a lot of individual assignments, group presentation, case study, portfolio and etc. Biase la..byk subjects amik, kne pandai adjust msa..If kls smpai maghrib,blik tu trus je mndi,siapkan dri,solat n wat assignments trus..wlu penat cmne skali pun, korang kene lawan..biarla korang wat keja smpai tertdo kat meja study (hiperbola hbs..) seriously,akak mang gtu dlu..if aftr maghrib tu akak tdo trus, mang x cyap la keja akak..aftr da buat assignments cket,korang revise la bliksemua lecture yg di ajar hri tu..if sempatla..if penat sgt,tdo esk bgn awl untuk study..akak pernah lalui semua nie ok.. J Mang tired x terkira..

Bip kuning..Smpai tertido kat wad coz terlampau penat..huhuhu..nie posting SN x clap

Me and Nadzirah..

At the same time, wpun korang bz camner pun dgn lecture and attachment at hospital,korang kene ingat.Korang ade tgjwb lain jugak iaitu organize  Nurses Night Dinner utk seniors,juniors,clinical teachers and lecturers..Wpun dinner nie di buat second semester nanti,preparation kne awal. Lantik leader yg boleh lead korang taw.. Semangat bersatu padu tu penting. So far, Alhamdulillah Nurses Night Dinner yang paling best yg ramai senior and junior  as well as clinical teachers and lecturers komen adalah time batch akak jdi organizer..Time tu kmi second year jugak..Semangat and usaha kmi untuk menjayakan Nurses Night Dinner mang membuahkan hasil. Macam dugaan kmi lalui taw..L

Alhamdulillah berjaya..
Geng kuat aku..hehehe

Family picture

My Love

My Sayang

Love them
Junior Buddy

Senior Buddy

For second semester, core subjects yang u all kene amik Specialised Nursing, Health Education,and Medical Surgical Nursing 2. Nampak mcam sket kan?da korang attend  lecture nt bru korang taw betapa byknye tu.. For generic subjects korang kene amik Hubungan Etnik and Bi( English for Professional Purposes).If korang da amik Hubungan Etnik,korang amik TITAS x silap la..hehehehe..Pandai2 ar korang adjust masa..Assignments, meeting,lecture,posting kat hospital,jmpe lecturer and mcm2 korang kene wat..Good Luck Ok.. J

Ehem2..Mesti korang ingt aftr Dinner Nurses Night xde benda lgi da kan yg perlu risau??Nope..korang akan posting kat Bintulu lg untuk antasesi posting MSN 2. Time batch akak dlu,mang kmi enjoy sgt kat Bintulu coz kmi rpt dgn CI and lecturer yg  jaga kmi..Hri2 kmi pegi psr bintulu kot..Joging,shopping,eating and etc hari2 kami wat sama2..mang enjoy sgt2..Maybe sebab bilangan kmi dlm kelas ckit kot..Hanya 26 org..tu yg kmi rpt betol..

Ngegeh kat wad (Hospital Bintulu)

Otai busy sms

My best partner,roomate and 'posting-mate'..hahahha

CTM di buli aq..hahahha

CI and lecturer

Bercahaya hbs..
Me with Bibi aka Chibi Maruko Chan

Kema and Anas

Kami sedondon..Tu la gedix jd kapel kejap.hahahha..

My heart




Night duty..utk elak tido,aq mkn ulam...SN baek hati bg nie..hehhehe

Taman Tumbina

Miri day trip-2 jam dri bintulu..

Aftr hbs posting kat Bintulu, xbley nak enjoy dlu taw..Professional exam wait for u my dear..hehehe..Blik je dri Bintulu ade study week utk seminggu then tru Prof exam..Cam biase la..Ade BAQ 100 questions, Osce and etc. Osce tu examiner luar yg handle taw..bkn sebarang examiner.If korang x pass Prof exam nie,korang x bleh masok year 3 taw.Korang kene repeat second year blik.Alhamdulillah.Setakat nie,xde sejarah lgi yg fail Prof exam. Masa seminngu study week tu mang x cukup nk cover semua dri first year smpai second year.Therefore,korang kene wat preparation awal2 utk Prof exam taw J Jadi xde la stress tahap gaban melanda korang..heheheh..

Gua Niah..

dlm perahu pg Gua Niah
Oil sumthing name die ntah..huhuhu

Dlm Gua Niah..nie je cahaya kmi jmpa..hehehhe

Fuuuhhhhhh...Tired sgt2..Due to so many heavy work dat we should handle,mang trsa killer year hbs..huhuhu..Alhamdulillah kmi satu kelas dpt mengharungi nya..If akak boleh mengharunginya,korang mesti boley jugak kan.Stress macam mane pun korang, u must try to cope with it.Pandai2 la kurangkan stress masing2 ok.Lau akak dlu,selalu je air mata nie berlinang lepas solat sbb terlampau penat and stress.. J Pandai2 korang ar ea..Good luck juniors.. J


Congratz korang coz da jdi super senior and da layak pakai BIP bru..hehehe..n congratz coz all of u PASS professional exam..ehem2..if x PASS cmne leh msok year 3 kan..hehehehe.Akak faham sgt2 perasaan korang..I’ve experienced it before J

Straight to the point, year 3 is much more tough and difficult than before.. Previously, korang blaja basic je kan..Now, xde basic2 dah..What u will learn become more interesting,deeper as well as more difficult J Relax..xdela difficult sgt if korang study and slalu revise all lecture note.Trust me ok! J

me with bip bru

Core subjects that u will attend time first semester, COMPLEX NURSING, PAEDiATRIC NURSING and REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM & GENETICS. For practical, only CN and PAED jer. J RG xde. Good luck okeyh..

For second semester, mang tough sgt2. Subjects that u will attend are COMMUNITY & FAMiLY HEALTH NURSING, MENTAL HEALTH & PSYCHIATRIC NURSING ,OBSTETRIC & GYNAECOLOGICAL NURSING and NURSING RESEARCH. Time posting CFHN, u all will attach kat klinik. For example Siburan,Tarat,Serian and Kota Samarahan clinic.If u all attach kat siburan,klinik dia mang tgh2 pasar.. best weyh! J Malas nk cte detail..nanti mkin panjang plak.. For psychiatric posting, u all will attach kat Sentosa hospital.At first, u will feel scared, doubt and etc. U must try to adapt with environment kat ctu. When u can adapt, u will enjoy posting at there.. J For O&G posting u will attach at Sarawak General Hospital (SGH) in maternity and labour ward. U must appreciate the time that u spend at there. Ask staff nurse, MO, HO and nursing sister if u dun noe what procedures they do.Gain more knowledge and information here ok.Jgn malu bertanya. Jgn jadi bodoh sombong.. Ingat tu k! J

Although all of u busy with your attachment at hospital or clinic, u must not forget to do your LITERATURE REVIEW and RESEARCH PROPOSAL..Seriously, u will experience stress tahap gaban at this time coz all of u x fhm sgt about nursing research and never done that by ur own.That’s how I felt before. Sometimes I give up to do LR and RP, but because I noe  it’s my responsibility to complete it, so I do it with all my heart.. J  Buat kerja kena ikhlas okeyh J

Mesti korang selalu dengar senior advice, search for your TOPIC. Cari TOPIC or TITLE RESEARCH yg korang interested nk buat awal2. Don’t choose a topic last minute. U must choose topic yg interesting and u minat with that topic. Make sure u do some research about the topic before u decide u nak wat research ttg topic’s not easy to choose a topic for ur research ok..Nampak je mcm senang..huhuhu..L Akak dlu 3 kli topic kna riject dgn course coordinator..First topic about BREAST CANCER..tett!! riject coz too common among student. Second topic about OBESITY PROBLEM AMONG CHILDREN..teeeeeeeeeeettttttttt…Riject lgi coz  ssh nak cri sample and for ethical approval sgt rumit coz we need to handle with Kementerian Pelajaran skali if kita nak amik sample kat sekolah..Then, last topic kena riject was SUBSTANCE INDUCED PROBLEM AMONG TEENAGER. Course coordinator da ok dgn topic nie..But my previous supervisor x ok dgn topic nie..Mang stress sgt time nih..Last2, my supervisor gave me an idea to do a research topic about CARING BEHAVIOUR. Alhamdulillah..Thanx Allah..I’ve done a lot of LR about this topic and I found this topic so interesting and journal bout this topic sdkit.But, ia x mematahkan smgt. Mang akak korban msa gler time buat LR and research nie. Nanti akak update lg  ea about “HOW TO DO LITERATURE REVIEW” Take care u all J

Bngun tido jer trus tgk bnjir..da la nak exam..trus cancel exam..hehehe

Banjir kilat

Banjir plg trok selama duduk lot 77

semua kereta tenggelam..nmpk x org tolak kereta tu?hehe

Mcm pulau..

Slmt jalan dah..huhu

susun kat gajah menyusur..tetap tenggelam gak..

oh viva..


  1. 2 year ssh ka? busy skali bunyi.. huhu

  2. lya_lyanna: aok sgt2 bz..killer year ya..mang stress n lelah glak..huhuhu

  3. thanx, nice article... bnyk information yg sy dpt b4 nak masuk nnti ni.. hee

  4. assalamualaikum kak. sy student asasi 5th batch. first of all,thanks sebab postkan entri ni. sy memang sgt minat kat nursing since masuk asasi lagi. setiap kali update course pilihan msuk degree,sy xpenah tukar nursing as my first choice. tp msalahnya skrang adlh sy punya pointer xsmpai 3.00 pun dan xcapai min requirement chem at least B. adkh msih punya peluang utk sy msok course ni? :'(

  5. assalamualaikum kak. sy student asasi 5th batch. first of all,thanks sebab postkan entri ni. sy memang sgt minat kat nursing since masuk asasi lagi. setiap kali update course pilihan msuk degree,sy xpenah tukar nursing as my first choice. tp msalahnya skrang adlh sy punya pointer xsmpai 3.00 pun dan xcapai min requirement chem at least B. adkh msih punya peluang utk sy msok course ni? :'(

  6. Assalamualaikum akak,sy nak emel akak boleh ? Sy ada soalan nk tanya akak :)

  7. Nak tnya min cgpa utk msuk nursing brpa ?

  8. Hi akak. kalau saya dari diploma sains uitm apply degree nursing ni boleh tak?
