Assalamualaikum wbt..Cik Misi nak share knowledge and
information about disease yg
very common and famous. I hope this information
will uses for all of u.Take care..
Jagalah kesihatan anda..BETTER PREVENT THAN
Assalamualaikum...akhirnya setelah sekian lma blog ini di biarkan
berhabuk n bersawang, Alhamdulillah.. now i able to write n express all my
thought in here again. Aik?await i tb2 speakang plak nih..xpe2..nie la
syndrom realiti tv OH MY ENGLISH..although it is too childish, it help me a lot
ok.pergh..xpe2..take ur time to learn n write in bi okeyh..
Back to the topic.. HYPERTENSION. What do u know about
hypertension?what are the signs n symptoms of hypertension?how to manage and
prevent it?My family members always ask me about this.Maklumla bakal
misi..belum lg jdi misi da tnymcm2..huhu..If amik medic cam ne la plak
kn..hehehhe..So,to make it clear, i will explain it here.
stethoscope |
HPT is a common problem in Malaysia rite now..HPT refer to persistent
level of high blood pressure that is SYSTOLIC B/P above
140mmHG and DIASTOLIC B/P above 90mmHg. We heard the systolic
and diastolic sound using stethoscope and the reading we get from
sphygmomanometer..hehehe..sje nk revise..
serius muka aq nie..huhu |
SPHYGMOMANOMETER -To cek BP manually |
In Malay, HPT also known as "darah tinggi". In my opinion, dat
is not right bcoz xde word tekanan kat dpn tu..ngeeee..itu pun
kecoh..The right translation for HPT is "tekanan darah tinggi'.
Mostly, the causes of HPT are family history (genetic-if
one of your parent hv it or both of them hv hpt, InsyaAllah u will inherit
it.So,doa2 la parent korang chat ea),age(makin tua umur korang,smkin
suka la HPT nk dkt coz hormon imbalance kn), increase salt intake (so,krgkn
garam dlm mskn k ^_^ ), excess alcohol consumption,smoking (nicotine
stimulate nervous system to increase B/P and heart rate) and stress (jgn
stress2 lg k,nt tknn drh korang mkin naek).
The sign and symptoms of HPT are nausea and vomitting (due to increase sodium in body),nocturia (kencing mlm-due to increase blood flow to kidney and increase
glomerular filtration),headache,palpitation, dizziness,blurred vision, nose
bleeding and oedema.
There are several medications to manage HPT problem which are thiazide (diuretic-to remove sodium),Beta
blocker (atenolol,propanolol etc.), calcium channel blocker (nifedipine) and angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor (block AI to AII). Better prevent than cure right?
Thus, there are several activities to prevent HPT. We should do regular
exercise everyday to ensure our blood flow lancar dlm bdn. Then, QUIT smoking
or AVOID smoking habit utk org yg x pernah merokok. QUiT drinking,
maintain normal body weight (dun overweight and obese ok!), eat diet rich in
vegetables, decrease sodium intake for example salt, decrease cholesterol
intake like KFC,McD,fries, nugget etc and use stress management to reduce
stress ok J
Enough or not info yg misi nie bg?if x cukup nt misi update lg k J take care of ur
health J
Assalamualaikum wbt..Hep B?What do u know bout that? My sis bru jer kol
td..see.. she trus asked me about Hep B J
My sis and her cute daughter |
Ngee..belom jdi nurse lg J if da jdi nurse
nt, x tau la cmne..better aq jd consultant je kan J hehehe..misi
ade abg and kakak yg sgt concern pasal “HEALTH”. Always asked me this and
that. Alhamdulillah dorang byk tny. Its for my goodness. It's part of my
revision rite?hehehhe..When dorang tny, I had to explain to them. From that,
I’ll memorize it J see.. x rugi pun concern psal
My bro-pre wed pic |
Back to main topic, HEPATITIS B. According to WHO, Hep B refer to
inflammation of liver (hati) caused by hep B virus. The
characteristic features for liver disease is jaundice. So, we must treat
neonatal jaundice properly for early detection of liver disease. Hep B is
a serious and common infectious disease. Dats mean, it can jangkit
ma J
Hep B virus can spread to others. Most infected people with HBV look
perfectly healthy and no symptoms of disease, yet may be highly infectious. So,
don’t judge book by its cover. Same with healthy people ok! Remember that J
HBV can transmitted through direct contact with blood, body fluids and
sexual intercourse (SI) with infected person. There are no specific treatment
for Hep B.huhuhu..Due to no treament, that’s why we must successfully
vaccinated since infant to prevent Hep B J Simple kn.
FYI, we give injection Hep B to infant since birth (1st dose),
1 month (2nd dose) and 6 month (3rd dose).Benda
nie la misi byk wat time kat klinik Siburan.Tu yg ingt sgt nih J. Kak, ckp la basic
info bout Hep B right ? J
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